This is another site that I"m not familiar with. Lord how does anyone keep track of them these days? Anyway, I was reading something from Chris Paton who wrote the following about new additions to The Original Record :
Salford Portmote
The earliest surviving records of the portmote of the borough of the township and manor of Salford in Lancashire were transcribed and edited by J. G. de T. Mandley and published by the Chetham Society in 1902. The court was held after Easter and Michaelmas each year. The record usually starts with a list of jurors, sometimes with a general suit roll. Officers are appointed in the autumn court - borough reeve, constables, miselayers, burleymen, alefounders, scavengers, and overseers for the pump. Where a freeholder had died since the previous court, an inquiry was made as to his or her heir. There are presentments of minor offences, particularly affrays and selling ale contrary to statute. 19 October 1602
Letters of Marque: Masters of Ships
The Letters of Marque or Commissions to take Pirates authorized the owners of ships enumerated in the second column, to set forth the ships named in the third column, for the purposes contemplated by their Letters of Marque or Commission. 24 June 1625 to 30 December 1625
East Riding Game Certificates
A list of Game Duty certificates issued in the East Riding of Yorkshire, September 1800. Full names are given, surname first, and address.
London Telegraph Clerks
This list of persons irregularly admitted to the service of the Post Office from the date of the transfer of the telegraphs, 29 January 1870, to 30 September 1874, extends to 3653 names. The return gives full name (surname first, married women indicated by Mrs.); age when admitted; service to which admitted; and last previous employment.
Hull Sailors' Orphans
Orphans admitted to the Port of Hull Sailors' Orphan Home in January 1877. Full names, and port.
Zulu War Medal Roll: 57th (West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot
List of Officers, Non Commissioned Officers, and men, entitled to the medal for military operations in South Africa, during 1877-8-9, and the names of those soldiers who would have been entitled except for Desertion, or Misconduct. This regiment's actions were almost exclusively against the Zulus in 1879. WO 100/47
Naturalized Aliens
The Home Office issued a monthly list of aliens to whom Certificates of Naturalization (or of Readmission to British Nationality) had been granted by the Secretary of State, and whose oaths of allegiance had been registered. The lists are arranged alphabetically by surname and forename; then give country of origin, occupation, address, and date of taking oath of allegiance. This is the list issued in September 1937 of those naturalized in August 1937. An asterisk indicates re-admission."
Hope this helps someone. If so, please add a comment so more of us can learn!
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