Saturday, December 27, 2014

Scotland Valuation Rolls - Browse for FREE until Jan. 6th

OK so this is big, even though you'll still have to pay if you want to see the full details, there is a LOT of information available using just the browse (free) function. You can search 1875 - 1905 (every 10 years), plus 1915, 1920 and 1925. If you have any idea where your family lived it is helpful, naturally. Even if you're just beginning, or trolling to see where the surnames existed at specific timeframes, this is very helpful.

One of my most amazing finds is how much property some of my 'poor' folks owned. The browse function will show you if they were the owner, or occupier (renter or tenant) as well as how much tax they paid, or how much rent they collected, and their occupation.

It's a very interesting way to kill off a few hours!!! Hahaha and who knows how much you might find. I have also purchased numerous entries for ancestors and learned lots of tidbits - even who one of the elusive females married including his name, occupation and address. NOW I can spend some money and search for that marriage. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... and no need to figure out dinner as there is still plenty of turkey in the fridge.

Pat I almost forgot to tell you where! Look for the Valuation Rolls on the left side.

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