Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Uploading DNA to Other Sites Video

This is one 22 minute video I need to watch!!Thanks to my friend Lisa Louise Cooke over at GenealogyGems.

Did you know you can upload your DNA results to a website and for only US$5 to US$20, you will receive a heath report that is similiar to what 23and me provides?




DNA Cousins More Distant Than They Appear

Well according to John D Reid over at Canada's Anglo-Celtic Connections https://anglo-celtic-connections.blogspot.com/2018/12/dna-cousins-are-more-distant-than-they.html

"When interpreting autosomal DNA statistics, one must be careful to distinguish between the distribution of shared DNA for a given relationship and; the distribution of relationships for given amounts of shared DNA."

Complicated stuff this DNA.


More Irish News from PRONI



FREE Webinars for 2019

Southern California Genealogical Society announces 22 webinars for 2019. It's a little hard to find, but it won't hurt you to read and look around the site, right? lol http://www.scgsgenealogy.com/webinar/jes-index.html


Randy Majors Newest Mapping Tools

This is GREAT!! County lines; Zip codes on Google maps; historical US boundary maps.

How might this be useful?
- You're on the road and standing on your ancestor's farm and want to know what county the farm was part of back in 1850
- You're in an unfamiliar area and want to know where nearby research locations are where you can dig deeper (e.g. courthouses, libraries, cemeteries)
- You're travelling in a rural area (and not sure of a town name or address to type, or it's inconvenient to type) and you need to determine your current county or ZIP Code

- I've heard of people using the tool for a wide variety of other uses that benefit from quickly finding out your current county, from geocaching to real estate title work to disaster support relief


Wish I'd had this in 2016 when we drove to the east coast through many areas where my ancestors lived, worked, married, and died.


Ontario Home District Land Records 1787 - 1795

individual names and more are mentioned here. Big Thanks to Lorine over at Olive Tree Genealogy http://olivetreegenealogy.blogspot.com/2014/05/home-district-land-certificates-1787-to.html


WW1 Newspaper Clipping Collection

This is from the USA Library of Congress BUT it includes Canadian articles. Thanks to Gail Dever for sharing. https://www.worldwar1centennial.org/index.php/communicate/press-media/wwi-centennial-news/4630-amazing-collection-of-newly-digitized-wwi-newspapers-at-library-of-congress.html


Friday, November 23, 2018

DNA SALES!!!! Do NOT Delay

OK this is really great news for anyone interested in purchasing DNA kit(s). I've already done the FamilyTreeDNA a year or so ago, and OF COURSE, I just missed the 50% off MyHeritage sale by a month this year. Sigh. Still ... there are couple things here I'm seriously considering. These are VERY Time sensitive so don't delay if you're interested.

This one for 23 and ME https://dnabargains.com/black-friday-sale-50-off-23andme-dna-test-health-ancestry-via-amazon/. 23andMeDNA with Health + Ancestry Personal Genetic Service - normally $199.00 USD for $99.00 USD so about $131.00 Canadian.

Findmypast DNA is $59 USD (wich is 30 bucks off) and includes 14 days of free access to alll of Findmypast website.

There's more! Best place to see what is available right now is from Thomas MacEntee https://dnabargains.com/
There is also a good breakdown of what might be best for you, from each company.

AND at this moment, and I don't know when it will end, but for FREE you can upload your DNA results to MyHeritage and Findmypast, so keep an eye out for that. I'm just about to do exactly this so if any great problems I'll let you know.


This Girl Would Make Freddie Mercury SMILE

Not really genealogy, unless you have grandchildren or little people in your life, hahaha, but I'm amazed at the almost perfect lyrics this little girls sings. Awwwwwwwwwwwww cute. https://www.facebook.com/boredpanda/videos/this-girl-would-make-freddie-mercury-smile/321373488650397/


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Been Busy

And lazy. haha

I have been working for a private client for a few months. Plus we had some serious medical issues within the family resulting in the loss of a dear 32 year old niece, and another struggling with cancer at only 22 years old. Needless to say cancer sucks.

Now we are packing up to head south again. Sorry I can't seem to keep to any kind of schedule. Just hoping something in these posts helps someone.


Register for FREE Webinar Autosomal DNA

Using Autosomal DNA for 18th and 19th Century Mysteries by Blaine Bettinger, PhD, JD

The recorded webinar will be freely available to the public Dec 7-9 2018.

NOTE: you MUST register to receive the link. I've done this and can't wait to learn more from the expert Mr. Bettinger. https://www.ncgenealogy.org/event/recorded-webinar-with-blaine-bettinger/


1/2 Price Family Tree Webinars

GREAT deal!! https://legacy.familytreewebinars.com/


Facebook "Canada Genealogy Research Community"

Thanks to Sue Scimeca for sharing this very touching genealogy story.

"I have to tell you all a incredible story about my ancestry search. About 6 years ago when I was just starting out as a beginner to research my Swedish side of the family I wanted to find my Grandfathers grave. He had died in 1941, 5 years before I was born, in Indiana, USA. So I went through all the necessary "hoops" to get his death certificate from the state of Indiana. I tracked down the funeral home in Indiana ( a branch of the one no longer open), called them in the hopes they still had the info and was told the name of the cemetery that his remains were sent to to be cremated. They also were kind enough to sent me copies of what was in his file along with his obituary. I called the crematory/cemetery (Oak Hill, a very OLD -150 years- cemetery in Chicago) and they confirmed that he was there and the lady on the phone proceeded to tell me that "He was sitting on a shelf in their back storage room".I was taken aback by that sentence and had no idea what they meant. It seems His remains, and that of many other people, had never been claimed after cremation, and due to the law, the crematory could not "depose" of them. So they sat there and sat there and sat there, waiting for me to come along. I was totally shocked, and burst into tears. I don't know how many times I had driven into Chicago over the years and had passed by not far from this place.They then asked me when was I coming to claim them. I had to drive into Chicago four days before my 65th birthday to claim the ashes of my grandfather, who I had never met, almost 70 years after his death. I have no idea why no one had ever come forward to claim them, much less tell me they were there. All the older generation of my family was gone by this time and many of my cousins were also unaware. It was such a emotional day for me, one that I will never forget. For some reason I felt almost driven to delve into my family's past history, to find my grandfather and tie up all the loose ends... so you see finding your "roots" is in many ways just that...you certainly do have to do a lot of digging... and it can totally catch you off guard."


Share Your Community Stories $15,000.00






Canada Remembers 100 years ago


Sorry I'm a little late posting this.


Correcting the Record on Privacy



Ukrainian Interment Camps in Canada


And his teacher told him "That never happened".


FREE Live Videos from MyHeritage

This is from 2 weeks ago, but I just checked and the videos are still free and live. Isn't this world amazing? https://abundantgenealogy.com/free-myheritage-live-videos-now-available-online/


Remebering Mona Parsons



Great Kenora War Project

Kenora Ontario and surrounding districts. Databases of people etc. http://kenoragreatwarproject.ca/


Saturday, November 3, 2018

Irish Podcasts

I just listened to Series 9 Episode 9 about Irish placenames and it was wonderful!! It's at this link, but to listen to others, FREE, just scroll down http://rcb.ie/category/community-interest/the-genealogy-radio-show/

Sláinte or Cheers,

Monday, October 15, 2018

Learn New Skills - Scottish Research

I've written about this site before, but it's worth mentioning again as there has been another update. My Irish grandfather, who moved to Scotland as a young man, had 5 paternal uncles and one paternal aunt. I've been able to trace them all, except one who just refused to appear anywhere following the 1901 census in Ayrshire Scotland. Lo and behold, there he is in the Scottish Indexes, named in the Sheriff Court Paternity Cases - in two consecutive years [gulp] by two different ladies [shoot]. Wow!

So after learning what would have happened to him, this 'could' be a reason for him to have left Scotland which 'could' be why I've not been able to track him. Hmmmmmm. Always be prepared for what sad or nasty things we learn ... and often we are without having any of the details. In this case there are lots of details, none of which make me proud. Anwyay, I digress. Here is the site, but PLEASE read through the Search Help and the Learning Zone https://www.scottishindexes.com/default.aspx

I will say again, the Scots have the BEST records!


Citing Sources Without Stressing Out

Thanks to Amy Johnson Crow for this one https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/citing-sources/


Jewish Headstones - Czech, Poland, Ukraine

I was just going through some pictures I took on our month visit to Germany, Austria and Czech Republic. In Prague we visited this cemetery https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Jewish_Cemetery,_Prague. Revisiting my pictures reminded me of the sadness I felt that day in 2006. So this story is a bit of a tie in http://rohatynjewishheritage.org/en/projects/headstone-recovery/ and this https://forgottengalicia.com/jewish-traces-in-lviv-mezuzah-scars/


Forgotten Galicia

This one is about the railroad, but look around as there are more links. http://forgottengalicia.com/the-galician-railway/


FREE Video British Home Children

TVO documentary regarding the children sent from Scotland, Ireland and England from mid 1865 - 1932. 11% of Canada's population are descendants of these Home Children. This is a very moving video with living and descendants of the original 'home children' which will NOT play on my phone, but will on my laptop. https://tvo.org/video/documentaries/forgotten

More info and a free database at https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/immigration/immigration-records/home-children-1869-1930/Pages/home-children.aspx

Seldom did these folks, as adults, talk about their stories. Some had good lives in Canada or Australia. Sadly many did not. So these records are definately worth a look.


History of Every World

No kidding! Every world is there, so chose and read. http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/listhistories1.asp?gtrack=mtop1

Well there goes the rest of the day! haha


Secret Codes in Ukrainian Embroidery



Genealogy Webinars


So I did this by date, but you can change the parameters to subject, presenter, under the Browse the Library title.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

44 Sibings and Counting

How donor sperm is creating enormous genetic families around the world. Wow! Do you think this is from poor or non-existant planning? And what are individual countries doing about this - Canada, for instance?



Sunday, October 7, 2018

A Mother's Love in 56 Words

This is too poignant for words. Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers, students, and friends.



More DNA Info From Ancestry



New Brunswick Provincial Archives

Wow, these guys are kickin butt when it comes to digitizing and making available, FREE, online records. What they are working on now is the Anglican registers from Fredericton diocese dataing back to 1790s. Congratulations!! https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/provincial-archives-digitizing-records-1.4839231


Thursday, October 4, 2018

1926 Census of Canadian Prairies

So it appears this long awaited census should soon be available to us!!! The Census of the Prairie Provinces, 1926 (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta) was transferred to Library and Archives Canada on June 1, 2018. LAC then turned this census over to the great volunteers through familysearch.org

I heard, through the grapevine, that the initial indexing is complete so it should become available to us 'soon', whatever 'soon' means it's never 'soon' enough for us! haha I also checked and there are no indexing projects for Canada over at familysearch.org so it's gotta be true! WooHoo!!


8,000 Irish Books in Phoenix AZ

This is quite a story. https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/abroad/how-8-000-irish-books-found-a-home-in-the-arizona-desert-1.3643758


Mobile Genealogy Apps

Not sure about you, but I certainly spend way more time on my cell phone than I do on my laptop. Here's a useful list of genealogy apps for mobile devices https://ancestralfindings.com/genealogy-apps-to-help-you-with-on-the-road-research/


The Mennonite Story



British Home Children

About 11% of Canada's population are descendants of these Home Children. Ever heard of the Bernardo Boys? But there is MUCH more to learn. There is an article here https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/british-home-children-farms-abuse-1.4314384

LAC has more detailed information, plus a searchable FREE database AND links to the organizations who hold the original records. https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/immigration/immigration-records/home-children-1869-1930/immigration-records/Pages/immigration-records.aspx#a


Sunday, September 30, 2018

Polish Diminutives

A short article packed with some great assistance if you've struggled with first name 'nicknames' or variant names, and who hasn't? https://blogs.transparent.com/polish/diminutives-of-proper-names/

It's an old article, but the information is still 100% valid and might help break down a brick wall, or more. And it's not only the Poles who did this! Every single nationality has their own forms of diminutive names, so we must learn them.


Finding Lulu

For most I suspect this will be a story they are not familiar with. It takes place in Edmonton Alberta Canada, 1922, and tells the story of one very brave young woman. It's a short read, but an important one I think. http://theyardsyeg.ca/finding-lulu


The Spanish Flu 100 Years Ago



Cadastral Maps of Galicia

Don't know what a cadastral is? https://fromshepherdsandshoemakers.com/2018/09/26/using-cadastral-maps-of-galicia/


Swedish American Newspapers etc

Another great site with lots more than just newspapers http://www.mnhs.org/newspapers/swedishamerican


Newspapers Online FREE


Just take a few minutes, read, and poke around. There is a ton of great info here for those patient enough to learn.


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Critical Thinking & Powers of Reasoning

And now for something completely different [as they say haha].

Post your answers ON this blog. Under my
to the right you'll see Comments or No comments - click on it and type your answer. I'll give you the correct answer Wednesday 02 October 2018. It's just for fun folks. Play along? Do NOT send your answers to me via email or I'll be buried in a few hours.

Here's your question:
"Can you answer this? There are 5 people in a room, you go in and kill 4 of those 5, how many people actually remain in that room?"

So not one person got it right!! We're still in such a hurry to get to the 'important stuff' haha, that we miss the details. Read the first question!!

Perhaps it's time to start a review of your genealogy documents ... reading more carefully? I'm betting you are still sitting on answers. Every single time I do a review, I find answers I'd missed first time round.

And if you still didn't get it, the answer is "Yes".


Find A Grave


Be sure to enlarge and read the inscription.


Flour Sack Clothes. 1939

"1939. Kansas Wheat. When they realized women were using their [flour] sacks to make clothes for their children, the mills started using flowered fabric for their sacks so the kids would have pretty clothes. Pure kindness. The label would wash out."

I remember my Mom talking about doing this during the 1930s in Saskatchewan. Now this link will take you to Pinterest - one more social media outlet you may not be using? Give it a whirl too. https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/358880664027872837/?lp=true Click on the picture to enlarge it.


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Using YouTube for Genealogy

I just did a Google search for "video Carpathian Mountains". Pretty amazing what you can learn and see through YouTube!! And it's FREE!! and SAFE!! Give it a whirl for whatever interests you.


During and After the Famine - Ireland

This is a good way to use facebook. RootsIreland https://www.facebook.com/rootsireland.ie/


Monday, September 24, 2018

4 Things You Should Do With Every Genealogy Source

Perfect timing from Amy Johnson Crow as my new class will be tackling this tomorrow evening. Here's a good reminder for all of us!! https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/4-things-every-genealogy-source/

Thanks Amy.


Germans from Russia

This is a neat old newspaper clipping from North Dakota with some interesting information. https://library.ndsu.edu/grhc/articles/newspapers/news/lubenow.html


Friday, September 21, 2018

PAS Magazines FREE

"Provincial Archives of Saskatchwean is happy to announce that all of our back issues of Saskatchewan History magazine (1948-2017) are now available as free PDF downloads. Visit our website at http://www.saskarchives.com/sask-history-magazine to access all 182 available issues."

WOW!!! Enjoy your weekend everyone!!


Thursday, September 20, 2018

FREE Online Videos

From RootsTec 2018 - the site is slow loading becuase of the GREAT, and heavy content, so be a bit patient. This is pretty amazing as it looks like ost, if not all, presentations are available! WOW!! So as the weather turns cool/cold it's great timing - stay inside, watch, learn, be entertained FREE. Y'er welcome. haha https://www.rootstech.org/rootstech-2018-videos

Just chose a day, click on it, and then choose which presentation you want.


AncestryDNA Match Labelling

I've read about this several places, but Thanks to Shop the Hound blog for this http://blog.familyhistoryhound.com/

Soooooooooo much going on in the DNA world it's super hard to keep up!


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wiki Help

Don't know what a Wiki is, or how it can help? Again our friends from the LDS have written an excellent Wiki and put it up FREE. For anywhere, and everywhere, on any subject. Help awaits here https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Main_Page

OK that's enough for today. I've been at this for several hours so hope someone finds something helpful. Nice to be back.


Manitoba Online FREE Digital Collections

This is amazing and continues to grow. THANK YOU University of Manitoba!! Maps, newspapers and more. Did I mention FREE?? http://digitalcollections.lib.umanitoba.ca/islandora/object/uofm%3A1243378


A New Google Search Engine

Thanks to my old friend, Lisa Louise Cooke for this one. It's in Beta for now, but read about it here https://www.facebook.com/LisaLouiseCooke/posts/10155972478748512


Help Index 1926 Census of Prairies

Ever complain cause the indexing isn't being done fast enough for you? Well then here's your chance to step up and help make historical records available, free and online!! Think how satisfying it would be to know YOU played a major part - and add it your own history!

Library and Archives Canada has turned over the census of 1926 taken of the Canadian Prairie Provinces to the fine folks at familysearch. And now they are asking for our help. They make their records available online and free so the more volunteers working on this census, or anything else available, obviously the faster it will be put online for us to use. Sign in to your account on www.familysearch.org , go to Indexing, click on Find a Project, and choose from there.

Sure hope some of you consider doing this! I've done lots of indexing and will do more once my plate clears a little.


Irish Landed Estates Records

ALWAYS exciting to learn of any Irish records, obscure of otherwise. I've taken this one for a few test drives and now I REALLY REALLY want to go back to Ireland ... but this time for some serious research. Sigh. Suppose I can win the lottery, even if I don't buy tickets? haha Yeah. That's what I thought.

Here ya go and best of luck!! ANd thanks as always to John Grenham, my Irish hero. https://www.johngrenham.com/blog/2018/09/10/definitely-half-full/


30% Off FindMyPast

Hurry as it expires 23 Sept 2018. Good for any one of their packages!


Galicia & Bukovina

A handbook in PDF so give it time to load https://ia801302.us.archive.org/24/items/galiciabukovinar00himk/galiciabukovinar00himk.pdf


Undelivered Mail to Go Online

Massive trove of centuries-old undelivered mail seized by British warships going online. Prize Papers digitizes more than 160,000 letters, some unopened, sent between 1652 and 1815. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-thursday-edition-1.4822216/massive-trove-of-centuries-old-undelivered-mail-seized-by-british-warships-going-online-1.4818817


New DNA Tool on Ancestry

So Ancestry has been working on advances for their DNA test labelling and here's what they've come up with http://genealogyalacarte.ca/?p=25111


Technology for Genealogy

An Excel program to map cemeteries is the focus of this site, and it's really good!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/techgen/permalink/1916388548453772/

And you thought Facebook was a waste of time? haha Thank you Dennis Allen.


Online Historical Canadian Images

Again thanks to the Unwritten Histories blog, here is a beginners guide to online Canadian historical images http://www.unwrittenhistories.com/a-beginners-guide-to-online-canadian-historical-images/


Canadian History Roundup

For the week of 09th September 2018 http://www.unwrittenhistories.com/canadian-history-roundup-week-of-september-9-2018/

Yes, I know I'm behind!! haha


Ukrainian Genealogy

A beginners guide to Ukrainian genealogy, but the site could use be a bit more user friendly. So if you're staring at the book, not knowing what to do, just click on the cover and each subsequent - use the + button to enlarge once you've opened it. Good luck!! https://archive.org/details/UkrainianGenealogy


FREE Scottish Indexes

"The aim of this website is to help you trace your Scottish family tree and find out more about the lives of your ancestors by helping you access historic documents that are here in Scotland.

We have a wide range of indexes from birth, marriage, death and census records to mental health and prison records. You can search all of our indexes from this page or you can go to our 'Record Sets' page and search by individual category. Find out exactly what we have indexed so far on our coverage page."



Genealogy Gophers

You're thinking "Whaaaaaaaatttt"? LOL

"How and Why to Use Genealogy Gophers
Posted March 10, 2015 by Amy Johnson Crow

There’s a problem with OCR (optical character recognition). Yes, it helps us find text that is buried deep in the pages of an unindexed book or newspaper. The problem is that OCR is literal. Search for “William” and it will look for “William,” but not “Wm.” (Did you just think of how many references to your “Wm.” you’ve missed over the years? Kinda scary, isn’t it?)

That’s where Genealogy Gophers (gengophers.com) comes in."

Continue reading here http://www.nostorytoosmall.com/posts/how-and-why-to-use-genealogy-gophers/

I've been trialing this and it's pretty cool!! Thanks to Dallan Quass for developing this and thanks to Amy Johnson Crow for telling us about it.


Polish Records

Tutorial: Genealogia w Archiwach
The site features scans from 450 registry offices, mostly in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian area. http://www.lostshoebox.com/tutorial/genealogia-w-archiwach/


Irish Records Online & FREE

This is massive news for those of us with Irish ancestry. Their government has allocated money to allow the Church of Ireland Parish Registers to be digitized and made available, ONLINE, FREE!!!! Read about it here https://www.irishgenealogynews.com/2018/09/church-of-ireland-parish-registers-to.html

I know, I know ... it will never be fast enough for us, but at least it's on it's way.


Getting Children Involved

Thanks for your patience! I've not been able to post until I got my new course going for the Fall. We're all set now, so here we go with updates and new genealogy 'stuff'.

Getting children involved in our passion. Remember how most of us didn't become interested until there was no one left to answer our qustions? Perhaps we can help our little ones avoid that pain. Here's some pretty simple suggestions https://beckyvillareal.com/2018/09/19/how-to-engage-children-in-family-history-and-genealogy/


Monday, August 27, 2018

"Unpuzzling Your Past" Course Fall 2018

WHERE did summer go to??? LOL Time to gear up for classes again which I ALWAYS look forward to. So here we go!

Genealogy is the #1 hobby in the world! Whether that's 100% accurate or not, it certainly is for many millions of us.

Unpuzzling Your Past ... Using the Internet

Celebrate and preserve your own history by building your family tree. At some point in life, people feel compelled to learn more about the individuals in their family who came before them. What makes genealogical research even more interesting is seeing the impact that your ancestors had on history, and on your own life. And just what did you inherit from your ancestors? Your physical appearance, likes or dislikes, health, even your occupation may be traced back to your ancestors. Every person is a part of history. Just by living their lives, they created history. What about you? You, too, are creating history, even as you live it. While you are a descendant of the past, you are a parent of the future.

Records are history's best storytellers. It is therefore necessary to develop research skills and become a good 'detective'. It is also a great deal of fun! These classes are designed to develop your research skills & teach you to think like a professional researcher. The classes enable you to decide what records to search for, why you need each of these records, how to find them, and then how to use them.

Unpuzzling Your Past</b> is the course you SHOULD start with - whether a beginner or a seasoned researcher! You won't believe what you've been missing! You will NEVER regret building a strong foundation!! What if you had to prove a major event in *your* life? How would you do it? With records. Your ancestors also created records. They did many of the same things you do. Later in their lives they may have married and had children. Some of them hunted for gold, others worked in mills or farmed, still others left their homeland to make a new life in North America. If you had to prove your ancestors had these experiences, that they actually lived, how would you do it? Well, you would become a family history detective.

This class is suitable for beginners and the advanced who’ve hit that ‘brick wall’. This is a good 'starter' class, and the one you should start with, but it is also designed to assist more experienced researchers who are at a stand-still with their current 'brick wall'. I will say again - You will NEVER regret building a strong foundation!!

For most of us the great fun of genealogy & family history research is in the thrill of the chase - the search for new details. We gather reams of photocopies. We have copious numbers of binders full of hard copy. We have too many notes scribbled on too many scraps of paper, and we carry impossible numbers of facts/dates/locations in our heads. Sometimes we are overwhelmed by the amount of information we have collected or inherited. Sometimes we have nothing. Obviously the more we know, the more we have to work with. BUT, Pat started with her parents and grandparents names, two locations (on two different continents), a couple unconfirmed dates, and that was it!! It *is* possible.

This course has been thoughtfully developed to help those with too much or too little information. If your research has progressed over a long period of time, do you still have some spaces you've had to leave blank or are uncertain about? Learn how to start, organize, document and cite your source(s) properly. Discover those missed clues or miscellaneous errors, and learn about new sources recently made available to the public (including many on the Internet - some that are available only on the Internet). Learn how to do all this in the most cost effective manner possible! There are times when you must pay for an official search. There are many *more* times when you can perform that search yourself, if you just knew how. This course will teach you those 'how's'.

Experienced genealogists
Take a look at all the work you've done or inherited and think of what you might yet accomplish! Is part of the reason you do family history research so it will be preserved, passed on and added to? Is your work clear, concise and presented in an organized, understandable format? Will the next person who looks at, or inherits it, be able to understand exactly what you found, and exactly where you found it? Will they be able to, and want to, continue your work? Do you have any recorded information, but are unable to remember where you found it or who told it to you? Have you been given any names, dates, locations but you have no idea where that information was found? If you knew, you could go back to those records, double check for accuracy and perhaps add some new details the original researcher, or story-teller, missed, misread or misinterpreted!

Only you know how much time, expertise, money, frustration, and intense happiness you will or have invested in researching and preserving your family history. Wouldn't it be terrible if it was all disposed of because it's value was not readily apparent? It happens every day. How many precious old photos, books or other memorabilia have you seen in second hand shops or garage sales? Your talents and your hard work need to be preserved and your descendants will thank you - after all, how much would you appreciate even one piece of well documented research?

If you are just getting started, congratulations, as you have no bad habits to break and this class will teach you all the good habits. For those of you who have spent decades doing research, isn't that research worth the investment of a little more time in order to preserve it for future generations? Do not despair if you're body of work needs attention - you are certainly not alone - but Do Not Delay any longer. Get into this class - quick! Student enrollment is kept low to accommodate student/instructor interaction. Students work on their own family research.

These courses are not designed to be the cheapest in the world - we all know that you usually get what you pay for. They *are* designed to be the BEST. Pat is most concerned with giving you the best and most recent tools available [including those on the Internet], and equipping you with the knowledge you need to take your research as far as you'd like. She also believes in having fun, and there is always much laughter shared by all. Additionally, following each one of the four class sessions, you will receive a set of complete and comprehensive notes covering the details taught and discussed in that class. This means you will not have to attempt to take notes during the class. Instead, you can devote your full time and attention to listening, learning, participating, and sharing in your own successes. Students continually express their gratitude and appreciation to Pat. They realize her knowledge is vast, and that she goes 'above and beyond' for her students. They also realize that her notes alone are worth hundreds of dollars - and appreciate that they can continue to refer to those notes, forever! Pat clearly loves what she does ... and it shows. Instructor Pat Ryan.

To pre-register send Pat an email now at pryan@sasktel.net or call her at her office 306-695-2241 or cell 306-533-3941.

Classes will all be held at Arcola East Community Centre which is located at 3860 Buckingham Drive within Jack MacKenzie School in east Regina Sask.

Classes will run from 7 - 9pm on 18th & 25th of Sept, + 2nd & 9th of Oct.
[4 weeks] $200.00.00/4 sessions

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Happy Canada Day 2018

Wishing everyone a very happy Canada Day this July 1, 2018. Thank goodness I was lucky enough to have been born Canadian - the first one in my family. I feel very proud of this country, even more so each day as we look to our southern neighbours.

This is my favourite Canadian song https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_1094807513&feature=iv&src_vid=upsZZ2s3xv8&v=4JUDBJkeFNY


Index of Irish Townlands, 1901

This is updated and was published in 1904. And it's FREE!


Finding Manitoba Ancestors



FREE Classes online July 2018

Thanks to familysearch.org for another group of FREE and intersting classes and webinars for July 2018. https://media.familysearch.org/free-family-history-classes-and-webinars-for-july-2018/

This month, Research classes will focus on the Boy Scout Merit Badge, Eastern Germany, Ireland, Norway, and the United States: Gulf Region. Weekly FamilySearch sessions for the Family Tree, Memories, Indexing, and Search are offered in English and in Spanish. Use the above link to participate or just to read further.


1812 USA Pension Files

I've had family in the USA since early 1600s, so there are lots of them in these files. Here's a great article about what they are, how to use them, and how to search them. https://www.familysearch.org/blog/en/war-1812-pension-files/


Friday, June 29, 2018

Residential Schools

Many of never knew of residential schools until recently. Many more believe it all ended a hundred years ago, when in fact it was 1996. Shocking!! I hope we all educate ourselves on this subject. So to see where the closest one was in relation to where YOU lived, have a quick look at this free database https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/residential-school-interactive-map-beyond-94-1.4693413

In my opinion, trump is a total a _ _ hole, but sadly Canada is not blameless either. Can't imagine anything worse than having a child ripped from its parent. Anyone else read, or watching, the Handmaids Tale?


Polish Surnames

Not sure how great this site is, but always worth a look, right? https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/


BEFORE Taking DNA Test

DNA is a big deal. It's also not near as 'easy' to learn as the TV ads shows. Nor are the results near so decisive as ads say. Here's an interesting short read of 5 points. https://www2.calstate.edu/csu-system/news/Pages/5-Things-to-Know-Home-DNA-Test.aspx


Mennonite Rare Books

MHSS - Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan has a great website, with some really cool finds. http://mhss.sk.ca/books/Family-Records-Found-in-Rare-Old-Bibles.shtml


1939 Register England & Wales

The 1939 Register provides a snapshot of the civilian population of England and Wales just after the outbreak of the Second World War.

As the 1931 census for England and Wales was destroyed by fire during the Second World War and no census was taken in 1941, the Register provides the most complete survey of the population of England and Wales between 1921 and 1951, making it an invaluable resource for family, social and local historians.

Learn more at http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/help-with-your-research/research-guides/1939-register/


FindMyPast 50% Off


Don't forget you can usually pick up two weeks for FREE. Or you can purchase monthly subscriptions. All depends on your needs and what records are available for your county (counties) of interest. Some counties have more. Some have less. Not a bad idea to check that out before laying out your dosh (cash), even at 50% off.


Friday, June 1, 2018

OGS Conference live streamed

Here are the links that are being live streamed. Opening event right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9HCrDRir_4

Saturday morning at 8:30 EST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSqGxK-HRzI

Thanks to John Reid, more information is available here http://anglo-celtic-connections.blogspot.com/2018/05/ogs-conference-one-week-to-go-and.html


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

MyHeritage Offer

UPDATE: Both the folks at MyHeritage and myself have been pleased with the response to the email message I sent a few days ago (shown below). I then asked the folks at MyHeritage if they would extend the offer for a few more days. They responded, "Sure!"
In short, if you missed the sign-up period for the first mailing, you can now take advantage of this lower price until Sunday, May 27. That's right, you have 5 more days to take advantage of this amazing price offered exclusively to EOGN readers.
I am enclosing the original message below although I did update it with the new expiration date. Again, the MyHeritage Complete subscription gives you access to the best collection of genealogy resources available.

The following is an offer from Dick Eastman.

"Dear EOGN reader,

I don't often send messages about bargain prices on various products or services. However, this is one time I believe it is news worth sharing.

Our friends at MyHeritage are offering their Complete subscription for an amazing price exclusively to EOGN readers for only 5 days... now extended until Sunday, May 27. The MyHeritage Complete subscription gives you access to the best collection of genealogy resources available.

Get 50% off a MyHeritage Complete subscription now
*Offer valid for NEW MyHeritage subscribers only

MyHeritage is one of the most powerful online genealogy services available today. The more I use MyHeritage features like the historical record search engine with 9 billion records from around the world, the family tree Consistency Checker, and the Chromosome Browser, the more I love the site. I am especially impressed with how they keep adding features in response to demand from users, like the Pedigree Tree view that they recently released. It’s refreshing to see a company that cares about its users and listens to what they want!

The fact that MyHeritage is designed by genealogists, for genealogists is very much reflected in the online service and especially through their frequent updates and improvements. To get full access to all 9 billion historical records and the ability to add information you find — or automatic discoveries that MyHeritage makes for you — to your unlimited family tree, get the Complete subscription. MyHeritage adds millions of new historical records each month so there’s always more to discover. One cool example is the biggest yearbook collection anywhere where you might find your own relatives alongside Hillary, Sally, Brad, and Meryl above! Other interesting and important collections include the 1939 UK registers; exclusive Ellis Island records that no one else has ever indexed; and millions of U.S. newspapers that we add every month.

Hurry, this offer is good for 5 days only... for 5 more days! Offer now expires Tuesday, May 22, 2018 Sunday, May 27, 2018."

UPDATE: here is the correct link https://www.myheritage.com/partner/DickEastmanMay18Complete?utm_source=external&utm_campaign=partner_DickEastmanMay18Complete

Sorry everyone and thanks to SP for alerting me!! Sheesh!


Newspaper Research

Really good hints here from www.ancestorhunt.com http://www.theancestorhunt.com/blog/e-book-and-quick-reference-guides-to-help-you-become-a-master-newspaper-researcher#.WwWZRO4vx0w


FREE Civil War Soldiers & Sailors database


Civil War 1861 - 1865 USA. Covers both Confederate and Union men and women.


Border Crossings: the Literature

This is not necessarily genealogy related, but for those of you always on the hunt for some good books have a peek. It's actually from a magazine I subscribe to while wintering in Mexico - this article is totally FREE to you. https://theeyehuatulco.com/2018/04/27/border-crossings-the-literature/

Thanks to Carole Reddy, author of the above artile; and Jane Bauer, editor of the Eye magazine, great restaureur Huatulco Mexico, teacher of Mexican cooking, and most importantly my friend.


FREE Genealogy Webinar by Thomas MacEntee

"How to deal with other genealogists without going crazy." Interesting title, and great advice, as always plus a six page handout available https://genealogywithtony.wordpress.com/2018/05/22/our-recorded-webinar-with-thomas-macentee-on-may-8-2018-is-available-for-online-viewing-via-the-link-in-this-post-thomas-macentee-has-also-granted-permission-to-post-a-pdf-of-his-lengthy-handout-th/

This post comes from "Tony's Genealogy Blog" where you can find lots of other goodies. Just look around, click away, and learn.


Monday, May 21, 2018

FREE Clever Search Tactics

I've written about this in the past, but just came across this site which explains it all ... again. Lots of very clever methods here. Too many to try all at once, but I encourage you to pick a couple and try. Best of luck!! https://familyhistorydaily.com/genealogy-help-and-how-to/search-genealogy-sites-with-google/

And while you're in this frame of mind, just try Googling something like "clever search tactics". Pretty amazing all the help there is out there, FREE!!


Saturday, April 28, 2018

We Are All Immigrants - PIer 21

I spent a day at Pier 21 in Halifax. It is an amazing building of stories and history - OUR history. This sounds like an experience we should all be able to take. Soooo sad this is only available in Halifax. Anyway, have a read https://www.thestar.com/halifax/2018/04/26/halifax-exhibit-challenges-canadians-to-walk-the-path-of-a-refugee.html


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

DNA Tests

So Ancestry has an offering - of course they only have one test. https://www.ancestry.ca/ Ancestry has the largest number of participants (which is critical cause the only way to show matches is when your relatives participate). I'm guessing the other big players will announce tomorrow. Ancestry's is good until April 30th. I'm seriously considering ... ONLY because they are the biggest player at this time.

I still encourage everyone to do some research before your expectations are toooo high! I was questioned by someone today who believed they would receive an emailed list of all those people they matched. Yeah, right.


Women Are NOT Persons!

On this day, April 24 1928, this was the ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada. We owe a debt of gratitude to those 5 ladies who did not give up. Sheesh! http://www.heroines.ca/history/persons.html


Where Are YOU From?

A great article from Toque Canoe (if you've never read them, do it now) about Pier 21 in Halifax Nova Scotia. I've written about this amazing place before where I was lucky enough to visit on our eastern trip Fall 2016. Enjoy!! https://www.toqueandcanoe.com/2018/04/19/canadiantravelblog-pier21/


Thank You Brandon Manitoba - 40th Anniversary

A VERY successful celebration of their branches birthday - 40 of them! - was held this past weekend. I was very pleased to have been invited to participate by giving some presentations. I also attended a most interesting session at the airport celebrating their early days, accompanied by delicious cake. I missed out on the banquet Saturday evening, but the same ladies catered it as the lunch and I gotta tell ya it was the BEST lunch I've had in decades!!! And always a pleasure to work with my old friend Dave Obee.

So it was a really fun event - even though I practically froze. The room was slightly chillier than I was dressed for. So the foot attire is NOT the beginning of a new fashion trend!! haha AND they promised me they would NOT include my feet in the picture!!!! Guess we know how THAT turned out??!! Lol


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Cloud Backup

Thanks to my friend Lisa Louise Cooke for creating this video on YouTube. Instead of relying on old style backups - like that external hard drive sitting right beside your (and my) computer - save all your goodies to 'the cloud'. Lisa's style is always friendly, informative, with an easy to follow video. Here ya go folks https://youtu.be/nt9ePA-87Ic


DNA webinar

So yet another webinar about DNA, but this one is by Dr. Glesson - who has the most interesting credentials!! I'm going to really try to join in on this one. Thanks to Gail Dever for the following:

"This month's Guild of One-Name Studies webinar is Using DNA With Your One-Name Study, presented by Maurice Gleeson, on Tuesday, April 17, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern time.
Dr. Gleeson will focus on a Y-DNA Project and how it can be a very useful addition to a one-name study or surname research. His "substantial handout" will only be available to Guild members and those who attend the webinar live.
Dr. Gleeson is education ambassador for ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy), a member of the APG, and organiser of Genetic Genealogy Ireland (the annual national conference on DNA & genealogy). He was born in Dublin where he trained as a medical doctor. He is currently a psychiatrist, a pharmaceutical physician, and a part-time actor, as well as a genetic genealogist.
Register here https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1992020788477876481 to watch the webinar live. Biographical details here http://one-name.org/2018-webinar-series-no-5/. As with previous webinars, non-members will likely be able to watch the recording for a month. After that, it will be available to Guild members only."

BTW, I believe this webinar will be at 1pm Regina time, Tuesday April 17th, so I'll be attempting to join in via my phone, sitting in my car, waiting for a Dr. appt. Figures, right? LOL


Canadian WW1 Personnel Files

Digitized, online, and FREE https://thediscoverblog.com/2018/04/15/digitization-of-the-canadian-expeditionary-force-personnel-service-files-update-of-april-2018/

They're getting close to being complete. Awesome job LAC!!


Saturday, April 14, 2018

USA Death Indexes Online, FREE


"This website is a directory of links to websites with online death indexes, listed by state and county. Included are death records, death certificate indexes, death notices and registers, obituaries, wills and probate records, and cemetery burials. You can also find information here about searching the Social Security Death Index online."


Manitoba Seminar Apr 21, 2018

Dave Obee and I will be speaking at this seminar in Brandon Manitoba. Should be FUN!!!! http://mbgenealogy.com/2018/04/12/southwest-branch-40th-anniversary-seminar/


FREE Classes & Webinars for April 2018

Sorry this is a few days late, but you can still access them through the Family History Library https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Family_History_Library_Classes_and_Webinars

Pat [two lovely Robins just arrived in our backyard- April 14th, 2018. Sure hope they can find food]

1940 National Registration File

This is to assist those looking for someone living in Canada during WW2. As always it's not guaranteed you'll be successful, but it's another chance. https://thediscoverblog.com/2013/08/08/the-1940-national-registration-file/

I know I've used this, but it was such a long time ago ... I don't remember for sure, but I think they didn't find the one lady I was searching for. AND I believe they returned my fee paid of $45.00 BUT I cannot promise this is still the case, and I don't see that specified on their site.

Anyway, good luck!


Monday, March 19, 2018


A list of links!! Like 10,000,000 links, broken down by locality, surnames, and others. I found a new will from 1896 Michigan so I'm pretty stoked. Happy clicking folks!! haha http://www.linkpendium.com/


Monday, March 12, 2018

NotreDame-des-Neiges Cemetery Montreal Quebec

So the 3rd largest cemetery in North America! and Canada's largest cemetery (one million!)! is located in Montreal Quebec. There is a new search app that sounds quite awesome. Here ya go https://www.cimetierenotredamedesneiges.ca/en/recherche-defunt


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

RootsTech 2018 + FREE online Sessions


Held in Salt Lake city every year, I think the website this year is the best ever. It's user friendly!! Just read, scroll, click.

You'll even find this header: #NotAtRootsTech 2018? Here's How to Participate Virtually
Learn how to take part in RootsTech 2018 if you are attending virtually, or #NotAtRootstech. Click on it and enjoy! I can't link live today as there is some technical glitch preventing it.


Sunday, February 25, 2018

R U Reading Your DNA Results All Wrong?

So many of us probably have questions about our DNA etnicity results - I certainly was confused, especially with my MTDNA heavy leaning towards the British Isles, when all paper records show Germany and Netherlands. Well folks, I found this article that makes some wonderful points and shares some interesting background information. Have a gander https://familyhistorydaily.com/genealogy-help-and-how-to/understanding-dna-results/


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Problems, Challenges, Bad Luck

So here's what's been happening:
Had a lot of company for close to 3 weeks. Love them all, but that's the end. think we're past being tour guides and will just meet up with friends from wherever they stay from now on.

Now for more first world problems: My Samsung 6 Edge Plus cell phone began to do silly things. Uh oh. I was supposed to get a new one before leaving Canada, but I didn't want a bunch of new stuff to learn while on holiday and far from personal assistance. So maybe my Edge needs a new battery? Turns out the battery is not removable ... without some very serious knowledge. Sigh. Oh yeah, and it won't charge! At all!! As I'm still in Mexico for another six weeks I turned to our old Samsung 2 Note that we use as a Mexican cell phone which is always 'live' to the Internet while here. My husband uses it. I'm about to lose my mind as it's sooooooooo slow and clunky, BUT at least my laptop is fine (crossing all my personal digits NOW, for luck). Ohhhh and I've got gel nails on that are more like claws - they look cool, but I can't type or text easily with them. Vanity, thy name is wumin? haha

So, this is why I've not been consistant adding info to this blog. Sorry!! Can't fix my phone, either phone actually, but nails come off next week. Hope to rejoin the genealogy world at that time.

These are my problems, challenges, and bad luck. Thanks for sharing Pat? Lol
Hope your days are less complicated!!


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

City of Victoria BC 0nline

Full explanation included (should you care to listen) otherwise here ya go to the FREE City of Victoria BC city government, community records, and digital photographs. https://archives.victoria.ca/


Saturday, February 3, 2018

FamilySearch 2017 Highlights



Colorado's Germans from Russia

The hidden history - http://www.coloradolifemagazine.com/October-2017/Germans-from-Russia/


R U Stll Using Internet Explorer?

If you are you will notice that it no longer works on familysearch.org or maybe you haven't noticed. haha Anyway I'm using Google Chrome and am happy with it, for whatever that's worth. https://www.google.com.mx/search?ei=vzZ2WroxyfyPA5eqgPAI&q=google+chrome+download&oq=google+chrome+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0l8j0i10k1j0.19080.19080.0.22402.

And nope, I get nothing from it. Hahaha


Forgotten History Around Ireland

It's a facebook site so just poke around https://www.facebook.com/Historyaroundireland/


Finding OFFLINE Records

Title says it all https://familyhistorydaily.com/genealogy-help-and-how-to/offline-research-necessary/


Pier 21

I visited Pier 21 and it's an amazing place, BUT do plan carefully before visiting. I've blogged about this before - plan on days when no cruise ships are there for one thing - so here is another story https://blog.flyporter.com/pier-21-halifax/.


UK & Irish Research

GREAT info https://familyhistorydaily.com/genealogy-help-and-how-to/uk-irish-genealogy-guide/


A Personal Genealogy Connection in Mexico?

So for the past 20 some years a 'young lady' and I have been working together tracing the 2x great parents we share - Johnston McNIECE babt 1816 Ireland (somewhere!) and his wife Martha JONES babt 1826 New York State (somewhere!). Michele lives in the Chicago area of Illinois USA, and me on the Canadian Prairies.

Over those years we have shared a lot - not just old often frustrating genealogy, but day to day lives. We have seen each other through divorce, deaths, births, jobs, good times and all the rest. But we never met! Until Huatulco Mexico a few days ago. Yes, it took some planning, but it all worked out and we're both so happy we made it work. It was like visiting with an old friend for three days. We even went together on a moonlight float down a river, through mountains, over rapids, getting soaked, until the river met the Pacific Ocean ... and all this under the Super Blue Moon of January 31st, 2018.

What would Johnston and Martha and all their descendants think of this? So we CAN make genealogy and long dead ancestors come alive. haha. I am so lucky! But it also requires taking chances, planning, and then just doing it!! Just do it folks - you'll never be any younger or any healthier or probably any richer than you are right now.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

3 FREE Online Irish Courses

Al details here http://www.irishgenealogynews.com/2018/01/three-free-online-courses-from.html


Massive Database for Enslaved


Massive New Database Will Finally Allow Us to Identify Enslaved Peoples and Their Descendants in the Americas. Awesome!!


And Where Did YOUR Ancestors Come From?

This is really cool - this amatuer genealogist has followed several of Trump's Immigration advisers own immigrant histories. And guess what she found???? https://forward.com/news/national/392625/she-confronts-trumps-immigration-advisers-with-their-own-immigrant-historie/


Hints - Online Photographs

This is a good post about non-copyright issues dealing with online photographs. https://www.evidenceexplained.com/quicktips/other-non-copyright-issue-online-photographs-nobody-talks-about


What's New: FamilySearch Places


"FamilySearch has a new tool called FamilySearch Places, which makes learning about places easier. Although the development of this tool is ongoing, some great features are already available, so you can start using it now."


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Burned Irish Records

So on several FB and Twitter feeds I follow there has been a big flurry of folks talking about alllll those burned Irish records - hmmmmm ... this usually happens when there is a whole lot of new genealogists joining in ... and that's GREAT!! BUT. They need to be educated, gently. haha So Claire Santry has written and still runs her magnificent Irish blog and she has addressed this here https://www.irish-genealogy-toolkit.com/irish-records-burned.html

And don't just read that one article. Look around. Press some new buttons. Learn. ENJOY!!


NEW Interactive Catholic Baptism Maps

Thanks again to John Grenham, our Irish expert. https://www.johngrenham.com/blog/

As always, poke around the website as there is LOTS there!


Tips For Writing Your Family Stories


From our friends at familysearch.org, here are 18 tips to help us write and tell our own stories. Great FREE ideas!! Who's gonna do it?
