So here's what's been happening:
Had a lot of company for close to 3 weeks. Love them all, but that's the end. think we're past being tour guides and will just meet up with friends from wherever they stay from now on.
Now for more first world problems: My Samsung 6 Edge Plus cell phone began to do silly things. Uh oh. I was supposed to get a new one before leaving Canada, but I didn't want a bunch of new stuff to learn while on holiday and far from personal assistance. So maybe my Edge needs a new battery? Turns out the battery is not removable ... without some very serious knowledge. Sigh. Oh yeah, and it won't charge! At all!! As I'm still in Mexico for another six weeks I turned to our old Samsung 2 Note that we use as a Mexican cell phone which is always 'live' to the Internet while here. My husband uses it. I'm about to lose my mind as it's sooooooooo slow and clunky, BUT at least my laptop is fine (crossing all my personal digits NOW, for luck). Ohhhh and I've got gel nails on that are more like claws - they look cool, but I can't type or text easily with them. Vanity, thy name is wumin? haha
So, this is why I've not been consistant adding info to this blog. Sorry!! Can't fix my phone, either phone actually, but nails come off next week. Hope to rejoin the genealogy world at that time.
These are my problems, challenges, and bad luck. Thanks for sharing Pat? Lol
Hope your days are less complicated!!
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