Sunday, April 15, 2018

DNA webinar

So yet another webinar about DNA, but this one is by Dr. Glesson - who has the most interesting credentials!! I'm going to really try to join in on this one. Thanks to Gail Dever for the following:

"This month's Guild of One-Name Studies webinar is Using DNA With Your One-Name Study, presented by Maurice Gleeson, on Tuesday, April 17, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern time.
Dr. Gleeson will focus on a Y-DNA Project and how it can be a very useful addition to a one-name study or surname research. His "substantial handout" will only be available to Guild members and those who attend the webinar live.
Dr. Gleeson is education ambassador for ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy), a member of the APG, and organiser of Genetic Genealogy Ireland (the annual national conference on DNA & genealogy). He was born in Dublin where he trained as a medical doctor. He is currently a psychiatrist, a pharmaceutical physician, and a part-time actor, as well as a genetic genealogist.
Register here to watch the webinar live. Biographical details here As with previous webinars, non-members will likely be able to watch the recording for a month. After that, it will be available to Guild members only."

BTW, I believe this webinar will be at 1pm Regina time, Tuesday April 17th, so I'll be attempting to join in via my phone, sitting in my car, waiting for a Dr. appt. Figures, right? LOL


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