Friday, November 25, 2016

Looking For Suggestions

So when we spend winters somewhere warmer than here, I spend a great deal of time reading on my Kindle. An ebook is the only answer as paper books weigh way too much. What do I read? Well, let's see. I read tiny bits of genealogy sometimes, IF I can find something of interest. Truthfully it's sort of my time to decompress from genealogy, although I'm still working and reading genealogy related 'stuff' on my laptop every single day, my sitting in the sun books tend to be non-genealogy.

One year I decided to read some of the 'classics' I'd neglected - so I read 32 classics (yup, hubby felt very neglected haha). I discovered that I really enjoy Charles Dickens so have now read most of his best known at least.

Other years I've read the up and coming popular books - the entire collection of Game of Thrones & Hunger Games (long before they became movies). So I'm pretty versatile as long as they're well written.

What do I want from you? Suggestions please! Anything you've read that you enjoyed. I don't read military (I tried really hard to like Ken Follet, but I just don't), and I don't read horror, or cruel stories. I only have one book purchased - Swing Time by Zadie Smith.

Suggestions? No fear of judgement!!!! We all like different things, but we often like the same things too.

Pat [with post on this blog, or email pryan at sasktel dot net.

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