Thursday, October 29, 2015

WOW!!!! WE Were the FIRST to See!!!

Yesterday my group of students did our final lessons at the Saskatchewan Provincial Archives, and again we had sooooooooooo many successes!!!! Most notably my long time, dear friend Rob Dilts, excitedly shared his numerous findings with us about the 'questionnaires to early settlers' of this province that have been housed at SAB, and are now being microfilmed by the GSU!! His, and his assistant Lisa's excitement, was palpable. As they shared some of their findings with my group we were immediately drawn in and 'got' the heart felt stories. And several of my incredible students shared stories from their own families that added personal dimension. These are not just stories. These are true facts saved on paper by thoughtful immigrants from all over the World who settled in this mighty Province of Saskatchewan. Might there be some of your ancestors stories here? Who knows?

I am sooooo happy to have had my group of students be the FIRST to share in these incredible new stories that will soon become a new record group!! My students will always remember this - me too. We were the FIRST!! Best of wishes to all who search this new database as it grows. And THANKS to those doing the microfilming that will make these awesome records available to all of us!! That would be the LDS [aka Mormons]. Here's the beginnings

I love organizing my classes, and teaching!!

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