Here is a timely article from a well respected, and knowledgeable, Canadian genealogist John Reid at
In case this article disappears following is the article in it's short entirety.
"This is not about family history, it's about the history Canadians will collectively be making on Monday.
If like me you're fed up with rampant abuses of power I urge you to vote, and vote wisely to strengthen and preserve our Canadian democracy and values.
Restore a Canada where there is no second class citizenship for those with dual nationality or a right to dual nationality. A Canada where evidence-based legislation gets timely and thorough deliberation in the Commons and the Senate by unmuzzled members exercising their own best judgement. Where we restore the legacy of peacemaking. Where we are not afraid to enquire into social issues like missing and murdered indigenous women. And where we do our part to limit emissions of greenhouse gases.
Don't sell your birthright for a mess of potage - the largest boutique tax credits.
Vote strategically if necessary. The reasons you vote are yours. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If polls show a clear winner in your area vote your choice. Some of Canada's most progressive governments have been minorities. I'd be most happy with a minority government that reaches across party lines - not that I have great expectations of any party keeping all their promises while avoiding corruption and scandal."
There are sooooooooooooo many of us experienced genealogists who love our country who all feel exactly the same, please think and VOTE, but VOTE with knowledge!!
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