Sunday, May 6, 2012

Melfort: ducks, geese, coyotes, moose, showers & genealogy

I had a most wonderful time in Melfort, Saturday, 05 May, 2012. There was a very knowledgeable group of genealogists assembled at the gorgeous Kerry Vicker Centre, and we worked together to learn, exchange ideas, and have some fun complete with laughs. Thanks to all who attended, and a special shout-out to those who drove distances to attend. Also to those who provided lunch, snacks, and all the fabulous home baking that kept up our energy levels throughout the day. Another special "Thanks" to Ron and Marg for hosting my hubby and I overnight so I could be well rested and able to talk, non-stop all day Saturday. Outside the centre, on a short break, we found a duck had built her nest in the midst of a rather small bush. Small shelter or not she laid 9 beautiful eggs. Sure hope they survive! Then there were the overflowing sloughs all the way up, and the equally overflowing fields covered with snow geese and a few ducks. What an amazing sight! And lots of coyotes in plain sight, which is quite normal for us as our home backs a large clearing so we're used to seeing coyotes and foxes all year round. I love it! Now for the most exciting - on our drive home we saw a very large moose standing right beside the highway, seemingly unmoved by the traffic. I'm so thankful she didn't venture onto the road! It was my first moose sighting EVER so I shall always remember the Melfort conference!! grin Man are they HUGE! And lastly I have to mention this - I got to remove my dressings and have a shower Sunday morning!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Those of you there will know what I'm talking about. It's been an awesome weekend. We really need to get out and experience more of our massively huge province with the friendliest people anywhere!! Thanks so much to you all. Pat xo

1 comment:

  1. Thank you too Pat for coming and teaching me especially some new tricks of the trade, i am excited to start my puzzle
    Michelle Syniuk
    Melfort Sk.
