Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Scottish Church Records

I have used the Scottish Kirk Session records lots. There is a very good article written by Chris Paton, explaining what these records are about, and why they were created. The only thing I noticed missing in his article, is a mention of these records types that have been microfilmed by the LDS Church. The films are what I used, but of course that was back in the 'dark ages' before online access became expected. Haha.

When I talk with researchers in the British Isles, I always note they seldom (like never) use the Family History Centres to view films. My experience, when I was in Scotland and Ireland, is probably indicative of why. Residents there are used to the original records being available to them within a short stroll downtown, or a short drive to the archives. This works for those who remain living in the same area as their ancestors lived. Those of us who do not live in Scotland need to learn other options and the LDS films are the BEST and the CHEAPEST and the most RELIABLE option. The films are exact copies [pictures] of the original records. If you've not been using you really need to learn how. My Scottish grandmother's family stayed in the same area for at least 400 years. I found a film, one film, that holds all those records - BMDs, and miscellaneous other records, covering those families for 400 years! Total cost to me was less that $15.00. Amazing, right?

So off my soapbox now, and back to the kirk session records. Read the article about "sitting on the penitents stool" here

The article includes some links. I found it slightly challenging to use the link to locate details about the kirk session records, so am including a direct link here Of special interest is the fact these records will begin becoming available on ScotlandsPeople in 2017. This site is excellent, but realize that it is a pay site.


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