These courses will appeal to genealogists/family historians looking for education/knowledge that will take them beyond just their ancestors names, and birth, marriage, death dates/locations. The courses are all fun because Pat makes them that way! Pat has been teaching and speaking at seminars for 18 years from Whitehorse to Scotland. She continues to write new courses and will be offering courses again in Fall 2017 through Arcola East Community Association Regina, and online!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Classes for Winter 2010
I've been working on offering one new course [or maybe more] beginning Jan. 2010. It will be totally online, which means you never have to leave your house during our coldest, iciest months! And the course will deal with GREAT new offerings on the Internet!! ALL are free and will be useful to all levels of genealogists, from beginners to advanced. I'm not likely to advertise this course so only those on my mailing list will have the opportunity to participate. If you are interested in receiving additional information, keep checking this blog and/or send me an email request -
As I write this course I am becoming more and more excited by what I am finding! Amazing indeed ... and all free!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Still Time To Register!
Monday, August 31, 2009
How To Locate Information on Upcoming Classes in either REGINA or INDIAN HEAD
Until I get classes under way, I will refrain from entering general genealogical postings such as new or really good web sites, interesting genealogy news, updates, links etc. Once the classes get going, you guys will learn how to use this blog (and blogs of others), and then I'll start throwing on whatever I think will be of interest to y'all.
If you want to receive an email notice whenever I add something new to this site, just click on FOLLOW BLOG located at the very top of this page in a colored bar. See y'all soon!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Indian Head & Area plus Fort Qu'Appelle - classes
She will still be teaching her courses at the University of Regina Seniors Education Centre and through the City of Regina at night school, but Fall of 2009 will give eastern Saskatchewan residents a new opportunity.
St. Andrew's United Church of Indian Head, located at 801 Buxton Street [email for directions] has a wonderful room Pat has secured for classroom sessions. She is offering a FREE Information & Registration session, 7pm Sept. 22nd. Pat will talk a little about each course she will teach this fall, and everyone is welcome to come and ask their questions! It's a fun, informal evening and gives you a chance to get a 'feel' for what these courses are all about.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
University of Regina Senior Education Centre
(35046) Genealogy – Family History II
Genealogy is the #1 hobby in the world! The pursuit of your
family history is interesting, educational, rewarding and
fun plus it works the mind and tickles the senses. In this
course, you do hands-on research for YOUR families in the
Canadian censuses [1666-1916] plus land record searches
[homestead files], both on the Internet and on-site at
Regina repositories. This is a course not to be missed! Basic
computer skills are required.
Instructor: Pat Ryan
Tue, Sep 22-Nov 17, 9:30–11:30am
Room: CB 115
Seniors: $80 Other adults: $105
Course limit: 16
Registration for this course is only through SEC located in the College Building on College at Cornwall Street. You can phone 585-5816.
Information & Registration
Unpuzzling Your Past - Using the Internet
Genealogy is the #1 hobby in the world!
Celebrate and preserve your own history by building your family tree. At some point in life, people feel compelled to learn more about the individuals in their family who came before them. What makes genealogical research even more interesting is seeing the impact that your ancestors had on history, and on your own life. And just what did you inherit from your ancestors? Your physical appearance, likes or dislikes, health, even your occupation may be traced back to your ancestors. Every person is a part of history. Just by living their lives, they created history. What about you? You, too, are creating history, even as you live it. While you are a descendant of the past, you are a parent of the future. Records are history's best storytellers. It is therefore necessary to develop research skills and become a good 'detective'. It is also a great deal of fun! These classes are designed to develop your research skills & teach you to think like a researcher. The classes enable you to decide what records to search for, why you need each of these records, how to find them, and then how to use them.
Unpuzzling Your Past is the course you SHOULD start with - whether a beginner or a seasoned researcher! You won't believe what you've been missing! You will NEVER regret building a strong foundation!! What if you had to prove a major event in *your* life? How would you do it? With records. Your ancestors also created records. They did many of the same things you do. Later in their lives they may have married and had children. Some of them hunted for gold, others worked in mills or farmed, still others left their homeland to make a new life in North America. If you had to prove your ancestors had these experiences, that they actually lived, how would you do it? Well, you would become a family history detective.
This class is suitable for beginners and the advanced who’ve hit that ‘brick wall’. This is a good 'starter' class, and the one you should start with, but it is also designed to assist more experienced researchers who are at a stand-still with their current 'brick wall'. I will say again - You will NEVER regret building a strong foundation!!For most of us the great fun of genealogy & family history research is in the thrill of the chase - the search for new details. We gather reams of photocopies. We have copious numbers of binders full of hard copy. We have too many notes scribbled on too many scraps of paper, and we carry impossible numbers of facts/dates/locations in our heads. Sometimes we are overwhelmed by the amount of information we have collected or inherited. Sometimes we have nothing. Obviously the more we know, the more we have to work with. BUT, Pat started with her parents and grandparents names, two locations (on two different continents), a couple unconfirmed dates, and that was it!! It *is* possible. This course has been thoughtfully developed to help those with too much or too little information. If your research has progressed over a long period of time, do you still have some spaces you've had to leave blank or are uncertain about? Learn how to start, organize, document and cite your source(s) properly. Discover those missed clues or miscellaneous errors, and learn about new sources recently made available to the public (including many on the Internet - some that are available only on the Internet). Learn how to do all this in the most cost effective manner possible! There are times when you must pay for an official search. There are many *more* times when you can perform that search yourself, if you just knew how. This course will teach you those 'how's'.
Experienced genealogists
Take a look at all the work you've done or inherited and think of what you might yet accomplish! Is part of the reason you do family history research so it will be preserved, passed on and added to? Is your work clear, concise and presented in an organized, understandable format? Will the next person who looks at, or inherits it, be able to understand exactly what you found, and exactly where you found it? Will they be able to, and want to, continue your work? Do you have any recorded information, but are unable to remember where you found it or who told it to you? Have you been given any names, dates, locations but you have no idea where that information was found? If you knew, you could go back to those records, double check for accuracy and perhaps add some new details the original researcher, or story-teller, missed, misread or misinterpreted!
Only you know how much time, expertise, money, frustration, and intense happiness you will or have invested in researching and preserving your family history. Wouldn't it be terrible if it was all disposed of because it's value was not readily apparent? It happens every day. How many precious old photos, books or other memorabilia have you seen in second hand shops or garage sales? Your talents and your hard work need to be preserved and your descendants will thank you - after all, how much would you appreciate even one piece of well documented research? If you are just getting started, congratulations, as you have no bad habits to break and this class will teach you all the good habits. For those of you who have spent decades doing research, isn't that research worth the investment of a little more time in order to preserve it for future generations? Do not despair if you're body of work needs attention - you are certainly not alone - but Do Not Delay any longer. Get into this class - quick! Student enrollment is kept low to accommodate student/instructor interaction. Students work on their own family research.
These courses are not designed to be the cheapest in the world - we all know that you usually get what you pay for. They *are* designed to be the BEST. Pat is most concerned with giving you the best and most recent tools available [including those on the Internet], and equipping you with the knowledge you need to take your research as far as you'd like. She also believes in having fun, and there is always much laughter shared by all. Additionally, following each one of the four class sessions, you will receive a set of complete and comprehensive notes covering the details taught and discussed in that class. This means you will not have to attempt to take notes during the class. Instead, you can devote your full time and attention to listening, learning, participating, and sharing in your own successes. Students continually express their gratitude and appreciation to Pat. They realize her knowledge is vast, and that she goes 'above and beyond' for her students. They also realize that her notes alone are worth hundreds of dollars - and appreciate that they can continue to refer to those notes, forever! Pat clearly loves what she does ... and it shows. Instructor Pat Ryan MCCSG.
All classes are on Wednesdays, and run from 6:50pm - 9pm.
Dates: 16 Sept, 23 Sept, 30 Sept, 07 Oct.
Location: Pasqua Rec Centre, 263 Lewvan Drive, Regina, Sask.
Registration fees: $99.00
All classes are on Tuesdays, and run from 6:50pm - 9pm.
Location: St. Andrew's United Church, 801 Buxton St, Indian Head, Sask.
Dates: 29 Sept, 06 Oct, 13 Oct, 20 Oct.
Registration fees: $99.00
For additional information, email Pat Ryan at
Family History Centre - Accessing Salt Lake City Records
Session 1: using an Internet connection and your home computer you will follow the first four emailed lessons that will teach you how to access the World's largest genealogical library, located in Salt Lake City Utah. Following step-by-step detailed instructions, provided by your instructor, you will perform real searches from the 1700's & 1800’s plus a whole lot more. Locate ancestors and their families using a wide variety of record types from numerous localities around the world. If you do not have a home Internet connection you can do this research from a library computer. You will already now have enough knowledge to begin to research your own ancestral and collateral families!
All sixteen lessons come with detailed, easy to follow instructions - even if you are not entirely computer literate. You can anticipate spending approximately three to six hours completing each set of lessons.
Following the completion of this course you will be aware of how to open up even more research doors which will allow you to perform combination searches you would never have believed possible! And the best part is that you can do these searches knowledgeably, effectively, and inexpensively - without ever having to leave Regina. Do as much research as possible BEFORE you make that visit to your ancestral home. This will allow you to spend your time and vacation dollars enjoying the sights, sounds, smells, and joys of your homeland, ensuring you are walking in your ancestors footsteps ... and only doing specific research there when and if you choose to.
Having visited Scotland and Northern Ireland for a month in 2007 [and Germany, Austria, Czech Republic in 2006], Pat is glad she followed her own advice and had her research well under control before traveling. She was able to visit her ancestors homelands, locate their personal home addresses, and literally walk in their footsteps. She also saw and experienced the churches where ancestors births and marriages were performed - some back to the late 1600s. Cemeteries were easily located, as were family monuments. There is no feeling to compare this to - and tears were shed, and shared. Pat did manage to spend some time in archives and libraries, and learned how to research the records only available locally. She is excited to share with you the various record types you *should* be looking for - most of which have been filmed by the LDS church. The Family History Library in Salt Lake City:
• The collection includes over 2.5 million rolls of microfilmed genealogical records; 742,000 microfiche; 300,000 books, serials, and other formats; and 4,500 periodicals.
Recently, certain census records are now available to be searched, for FREE, on-line! There are also forms, charts, maps, videos, guides and other research helps available.
WOW! Secrets of the Online Canadian Censuses
This has to be the best opportunity researchers have ever had! All you need for this Internet course is a computer and an Internet connection.
Because Canada was settled from east to west, the earliest records available will be for eastern Canada. That does NOT mean there are not early records for western Canada - there are - just not as early as in the east.
For Regina students:
A total of eight lessons will be emailed to you on Wednesdays for four weeks. The course begins Wednesday 28th October, and ends 18th November 2009.
For Indian Head students:
A total of eight lessons will be emailed to you on Tuesdays for four weeks. The course begins Tuesday 10th November, and ends 08th December 2009.
You can pick up your lessons at any time. They will sit in your email box until you are ready. You can then work through the lessons at any time ... even months later!
Registrations fees are $99.00 Canadian and need to be received before the lessons will be sent. You can email the instructor, Pat Ryan, at for additional information and instructions.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Adding web site links - Genuki
For all the UK - Genuki which is a really great, but HUGE site. It is well worth your time exploring with multi-levels of assistance. Don't rush through and come back often.
The end of my web site
Monday, April 27, 2009
"Follow this blog" instructions
This morning I'm going to continue working on learning how to use this blog. My thinking (and hoping) right now is to perhaps use this to replace my web site - if indeed blogging is going to be easier and faster than the considerable amount of time necessary to maintain my web site. Only time and work will tell.
One of the things I like about blogging is the ability of followers to get notification of any updates I make to the blog. Wouldn't that be cool? Such as when I add/delete/alter class information and all followers of this blog would immediately be notified something new had been added to the blog. So, how would you become a 'follower' of this blog?