Thursday, August 20, 2009

WOW! Secrets of the Online Canadian Censuses

This has to be the best opportunity researchers have ever had! All you need for this Internet course is a computer and an Internet connection.

Why use the census? Census records, which contain the official enumeration of our population, are one of the most valuable sources of genealogical information - but there are major pitfalls. Taken every decade since 1851, listing each person individually, with details as to age, sex, place of birth, religious denomination, racial origin, occupation, marital status, education and more. Certain censuses asked each person for their date of birth, date they immigrated to Canada, and if they were naturalized [which can lead to incredible records]. Additionally there are some agricultural returns that list the crops they planted, how many bushels of each were harvested, as well as numbers and types of livestock. Canada took it's first census in 1666 - much earlier than other countries. Included in these lessons, there will be extensive and practical tips on not only locating and using each census [most are online], but includes all kinds of tips, hints, background information, and suggestions or solutions to help you find those 'lost' or elusive ancestors. The Canadian censuses were taken geographically, NOT BY NAME, which means you must search by District, then Sub-district etc. and indexing is far from complete for any one census. Pat loves using the census, and is a self-described 'expert' at census research and teaching census research!
Because Canada was settled from east to west, the earliest records available will be for eastern Canada. That does NOT mean there are not early records for western Canada - there are - just not as early as in the east.

For Regina students:
A total of eight lessons will be emailed to you on Wednesdays for four weeks. The course begins Wednesday 28th October, and ends 18th November 2009.

For Indian Head students:
A total of eight lessons will be emailed to you on Tuesdays for four weeks. The course begins Tuesday 10th November, and ends 08th December 2009.

You can pick up your lessons at any time. They will sit in your email box until you are ready. You can then work through the lessons at any time ... even months later!

Registrations fees are $99.00 Canadian and need to be received before the lessons will be sent. You can email the instructor, Pat Ryan, at for additional information and instructions.

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