Saturday, May 28, 2011

Preserve Your Roots Conference

If you have not already done so, get yourself registered for the Regina Family History Conference 'Preserve Your Roots'. It is on Sat. 04 June 2011, offers over twenty presentations, and will set you back a whopping $15.00 which includes lunch and a nutrition break. Amazing!! Hope to see you there.

Check it out at

weather musings

As I sit here on another gloomy overcast day, missing the sun and warm weather, and feeling very sorry for all us in the same boat, I just remembered something. When we returned from Germany, mid June 2006, our Regina neighbours were just beginning to plant their gardens. When we returned from Scotland, mid June 2007, our Regina neighbours had not yet planted their gardens ... or were replanting... and we were more tanned than they! sheesh. So my friends, my garden is planted - onions and radishes well up - and it is not yet mid June. Is this good news? Darned if I know. I just want sunshine and heat AND no mosquitoes. The only good thing about this weather is I get more genealogy work done on these ugly days. When served lemons ...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Some of you already know that I'm writing a new course for this Fall of 2011 that will point you to the best of the best on the web. It will include Webinars, Podcasts, and tons and tons of links sorted by (usually) geographical content.

As a sneak preview, and for anyone interested in using (for FREE at your local library) follow this link (copy and paste the following link into your browser)

I've just finished listening to the archived version of this webinar and I think it's really very well done. Those of us who have used Ancestry for eons can still learn some new tricks. Those of you who may not be as familiar, or may be brand new, will learn a ton of new tricks!! And all for free guys!! Enjoy!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sask Archives

I've been asked to pass along this message, and I really hate to do it. As of 13 June, 2011 the Sask Archives buildings in both Regina and Saskatoon will only be open Mon. to Fri. 10am - 4pm with no retrieval services between 12 - 1 or after 3:45pm.

I suspect this has to do with reduced budgets yet again, but I worry that it will mean even less opportunity for researchers to use the facilities. People who work Mon - Fri are already shut out.

I am thankful we have a provincial archives, two archives actually, and every archivist or assistant I've had the pleasure to work with over the past 25 or so years has been extremely knowledgeable and helpful. BUT I don't think it's much of a stretch to see that reduced hours will lead to reduced access to the records we need and/or reducted numbers of patrons ... and that is NOT right! What can we do? Who do we talk to?