Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Uploading DNA to Other Sites Video

This is one 22 minute video I need to watch!!Thanks to my friend Lisa Louise Cooke over at GenealogyGems.

Did you know you can upload your DNA results to a website and for only US$5 to US$20, you will receive a heath report that is similiar to what 23and me provides?




DNA Cousins More Distant Than They Appear

Well according to John D Reid over at Canada's Anglo-Celtic Connections https://anglo-celtic-connections.blogspot.com/2018/12/dna-cousins-are-more-distant-than-they.html

"When interpreting autosomal DNA statistics, one must be careful to distinguish between the distribution of shared DNA for a given relationship and; the distribution of relationships for given amounts of shared DNA."

Complicated stuff this DNA.


More Irish News from PRONI



FREE Webinars for 2019

Southern California Genealogical Society announces 22 webinars for 2019. It's a little hard to find, but it won't hurt you to read and look around the site, right? lol http://www.scgsgenealogy.com/webinar/jes-index.html


Randy Majors Newest Mapping Tools

This is GREAT!! County lines; Zip codes on Google maps; historical US boundary maps.

How might this be useful?
- You're on the road and standing on your ancestor's farm and want to know what county the farm was part of back in 1850
- You're in an unfamiliar area and want to know where nearby research locations are where you can dig deeper (e.g. courthouses, libraries, cemeteries)
- You're travelling in a rural area (and not sure of a town name or address to type, or it's inconvenient to type) and you need to determine your current county or ZIP Code

- I've heard of people using the tool for a wide variety of other uses that benefit from quickly finding out your current county, from geocaching to real estate title work to disaster support relief


Wish I'd had this in 2016 when we drove to the east coast through many areas where my ancestors lived, worked, married, and died.


Ontario Home District Land Records 1787 - 1795

individual names and more are mentioned here. Big Thanks to Lorine over at Olive Tree Genealogy http://olivetreegenealogy.blogspot.com/2014/05/home-district-land-certificates-1787-to.html


WW1 Newspaper Clipping Collection

This is from the USA Library of Congress BUT it includes Canadian articles. Thanks to Gail Dever for sharing. https://www.worldwar1centennial.org/index.php/communicate/press-media/wwi-centennial-news/4630-amazing-collection-of-newly-digitized-wwi-newspapers-at-library-of-congress.html
