Hello!! Happy New Year 2010.
I've been really slow keeping up this blogging effort, and that slowness will likely continue as I'm spending my time writing new courses, and preparing for 5 weeks in Mexico! I've also just agreed to teach for the National Institute of Genealogical Studies which is affiliated with the University of Toronto http://www.genealogicalstudies.com/. I have decided my course offerings with NIGS will not be geared towards attaining the professional' designation - which requires a specif amount of time and passing of exams.
From day 1 of my 'instructing' career, I have always focused on helping those whose primary objective was in tracing their own family history ... trying to figure out where they came from and what ancestral 'footprints' were left which now create their own footprints. In other words - people who seek to discover why they do the things they do, feel the way they do, see life the way they do, look the way they do, have the occupations they do, have the desires they do and on and on!
So for starters with NIGS, my courses can be found under the Courses hearing: Correspondence Courses: Research: Canadian Internet Part 1, 2, 3 ... plus Salt Lake City: the Largest Genealogical Library in the World Part 1, 2 . All five of my courses are geared toward Intermediate students but are suitable for serious beginners and certainly helpful for advanced students. These NIGS courses will now ONLY be available through NIGS.
In the meantime, as I previously mentioned, I continue to write new courses which I will offer to students from outside of NIGS. These courses will be ready later in 2010, and will be Internet based. I will continue teaching other offerings through the University of Saskatchewan, Regina, Seniors Education Centre; through the City of Regina Community Associations; and through my home town of Indian Head Sask. Watch for the announcements of which courses I decide on!
Additionally in 2010 I have been chosen, and happily accepted a most gracious invitation to speak to the Moose Jaw branch of the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society at their 40th anniversary on April 27th! I have also happily accepted an invite to speak to the Central Butte genealogical society branch at their Family History Fall Retreat at the Main Stay Inn, Paliser Park, Riverhurst in October 2010. More to follow later. Lots of exciting things to look forward to!!
You can enroll, request info, or request speaking engagements by emailing me direct at pryan@sasktel.net for all courses except the U of R courses. I am now also accepting limited client research. More later!